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Dear Friends and Supporters:


On January 1, 2017, I had the honor of being sworn in as the 39th Sheriff of Tarrant County.  It was not until I had officially been sworn in that I could truly see where the operations of the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office (TCSO) stood - there were policies that needed to be repealed or amended.  It was my vision to create change while carrying out our mission, which is being that line between evil and good.  It has always been my goal to create an environment where citizens feel safe and businesses flourish without the fear of crime.


One of TCSO's greatest strengths is its noble workforce.  We began empowering team members to do their job.  I wanted every employee to feel they had discretion to do their job, that deputies could conduct the duties they sworn an oath to uphold using their own decision and critical thinking skills.


We have increased workloads and asked for more from everyone.  At every turn, the noble men and women here have risen tot he challenge.  Every time fighting the good fight by being proactive.


We implemented new units: Human Trafficking and Intelligence.  Both of these units have been paramount to protecting the residents of Tarrant County and have helped save lives here and throughout Texas.


We built bridges to outside law enforcement agencies who work side by side with our deputies.  You might have heard of some of them: The Federal Bureau of Investigations, the United States Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security, the Texas Rangers, Texas DPS, and many other law enforcement agencies.  All this was done to make Tarrant County a safer place to live and work.


These are just a few reasons I have announced my campaign for re-election.  I hope that you will join in supporting me throughout the next fifteen months as we outline why we are on the right track and need to stay the course for the best Tarrant County.  I look forward to seeing you all throughout the coming months as i am out and about.  Again, thank you for your support and prayers.


Always at your service,

        - Bill Waybourn

Bill Waybourn for Sheriff Campaign. All Rights Reserved. Pol. Adv. Paid by Bill Waybourn for Sheriff Campaign. Treasurer - Taya Kyle

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